We are Greater Cincinnati’s nonprofit devoted to positively changing lives in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Through HIV prevention, housing and care, our work to end the HIV epidemic is essential to a healthy community.
People living with HIV can enjoy long, healthy lives thanks to advances in HIV care.
If you have tested positive for HIV, we are here to help. We offer free, confidential case-management services for people living with HIV/AIDS in the Greater Cincinnati area.
We serve people of all income levels regardless of health insurance status, who meet the following requirements:
If you meet these criteria, please call us at 513.761.1480 and ask to speak to one of our Intake Case Managers to register for services.
Services are free of charge, thanks to federal, state and city grants and donations from generous individuals, foundations and the United Way of Greater Cincinnati.
Enrolled Caracole clients may benefit from a variety of pharmacy service programs and co-pay assistance. For Ohioans living with HIV who have lower incomes, this includes the Ohio Drug Assistance Program (OHDAP). Individuals who exceed the financial eligibility guidelines may still be eligible for our 340B pharmacy services.
We partner with home-delivery, specialty pharmacies, Avita and CCN Pharmacy, to provide HIV and non-HIV medication to enrolled clients.
Through this service, established by the 340B Drug Pricing Program, prescription co-pays are covered through the Caracole pharmacy co-pay assistance fund—at no cost to you. Our pharmacy services are convenient and confidential.
Interested in learning more? Talk to your Caracole case manager about our pharmacy service program benefits and eligibility requirements.
Our region is home to many partner agencies that provide assistance:
To find other community services to meet your needs: dial 211 or visit United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2-1-1 Community Resource Directory
If you need shelter, call the Central Access Point CAP Line at (513) 381-SAFE (7233).
To apply for food stamps, Medicaid, and cash assistance in Hamilton County, visit Job and Family Services
To connect with mental health or addiction services in Hamilton County, visit the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board
To get on a wait list for subsidized housing, visit Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority
For support and enrollment in case management services as needed, please call our main number at 513.761.1480 to request an appointment with our intake coordinators.
Individual support maintaining medical care and medication adherence, assistance with the cost of HIV medical care, medications, dental services, mental health care and health insurance premiums (income guidelines apply), referrals for substance abuse and/or mental health recovery/treatment, and help connecting with other service providers and resources.
Individuals must live in the state of Ohio in the service areas of Caracole and have an HIV diagnosis.
Services are free, thanks to federal, state and city grants and donations from generous individuals, foundations and the United Way of Greater Cincinnati.
To inquire about case management services, please call our main number at 513.761.1480 to request an appointment with our intake coordinators. At this time, intake assessments are being completed by telephone.
Caracole provides case management services to Ohio residents living in Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Highland, and Warren counties only.
Please contact your local health department for information on the nearest AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs).
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is the largest federal program focused exclusively on providing HIV care and treatment services to people living with HIV. The program provides a comprehensive system of care for people living with HIV who are uninsured or underinsured.
Ryan White funds are not eligible to be used for inpatient care or hospitalization, urgent care, non-HIV related care, and ambulance transportation.
Case management services can be accessed on an ongoing basis for as long as you remain eligible. You and your case manager may discuss graduation from services if you are able to manage your needs independently.
Caracole respects your privacy. Per HIPAA guidelines, your information will only be shared with your permission as needed to help in the delivery of your care.
Intake involves assessment to determine eligibility for services. When appropriate, you will be referred for case management services following intake and be assigned to work with an individual case manager. Your case manager will contact you to schedule your initial appointment and begin the process of providing support and access to financial assistance through the Ryan White program.
We welcome all eligible individuals. Citizenship or immigration status will not impact your eligibility for services with Caracole.
The best way is to call Caracole directly during our regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Our main number is 513.761.1480. Please provide your name and phone number, and the message will be given to your case manager who will follow up with you.
Once you are enrolled into our case management program, you and your case manager will discuss your individual needs and determine what is most appropriate for you.
At this time, you and your case manager can discuss best options for your situation, whether in-person or over the phone. However, future program policies may require in person meetings.
Once you are enrolled into our case management program, you and your case manager will discuss your individual needs and determine an appropriate plan.
OHDAP is the Ohio HIV Drug Assistance Program, which is administered by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). It is also known as ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program). This program assists people with the cost of their HIV and other medications.
Yes. Besides HIV medication, OHDAP can assist with most other medications, but some medications are excluded. OHDAP can also assist with the cost of health insurance premiums for private insurance, Medicare Part D plans, COBRA, and ACA plans (financial eligibility requirements apply). Medicare Part B premiums are NOT covered.
To qualify, an applicant must be HIV positive, a resident of Ohio, meet the financial eligibility guidelines (500% of the Federal Poverty Level, based on household size), and re-enroll every six months. Your case manager can assist you with the enrollment process. Individuals who exceed the financial eligibility guidelines may still be eligible for case management and prescription co-pay assistance through our 340B pharmacy services.
Avita and CCN Pharamacy are mail-order pharmacies that provide both HIV and non-HIV medications to clients who are enrolled. Caracole contracts with Avita and CCN Pharmacy and is able to offer co-pay assistance through this service established by the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
To qualify, one must be enrolled in case management services and have either private health insurance or a Medicare Part D plan. Avita and CCN Pharmacy must be in-network with the health insurance plan. There are no income eligibility requirements to be eligible for this program.
Caracole wants to make sure that you and your friends and family are treated with respect. If we have not lived up to this promise, we need you to let us know. Please download and follow our guide to report a concern.
To help our Peer Navigators understand your needs, please share a little about what you’re looking for: