Dear friends,
This is not an easy letter to write. After 20 incredible years as the CEO of Caracole, I have decided to retire.
This was a decision I did not make lightly. Over the past several years, I have periodically thought about retiring. What has kept me at Caracole is my excitement about the mission, my amazing coworkers and my partnership with all of you. Together, we have achieved significant milestones, overcome challenges, and made a lasting impact on the lives of people at risk for and living with HIV/AIDS. And while my commitment to the mission remains strong, I know that it is time to retire.
As I prepare to step down, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition while the Board of Directors searches for a new CEO. With our talented staff and strong board, I am confident that we are well-equipped to find a new leader who will continue to guide Caracole.
The search for a new CEO will be led by experts in transition management, ensuring a thoughtful and thorough process. I am pleased to announce the establishment of a search committee composed of dedicated board members and community representatives, led by our thoughtful and capable Board President Mark Haggard, who will spearhead the effort to identify the next leader of Caracole. I feel certain that Caracole will attract great candidates for this position.
I am beyond grateful for the privilege of serving as CEO of Caracole and for the support and dedication of our remarkable staff. I extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for your continued support of Caracole’s mission and I look forward to seeing all that Caracole will accomplish in the years to come.
This is NOT goodbye. Throughout my time at Caracole, I have been deeply committed to our mission and vision. That will never change.
All the best,
Linda Seiter