People who use drugs deserve the same access to care and life-saving materials as everyone else. We provide harm reduction services to help you remain safe and healthy while using drugs and having sex.

Our harm reduction services include:

  • 24/7/365 access to FREE safer-use supplies via our harm reduction vending machine
  • Weekly, evening syringe services to access FREE safer-use supplies
  • Overdose prevention, safer use and safer sex education
  • HIV and hepatitis C testing
  • Referrals to social services, including treatment options if desired
A dark-skinned man with a floral baseball cap outside looking to the left.
A light-skinned woman with tattoos looking over her left shoulder at the camera.
A medium-skinned woman with brown hair and eyes looking into the camera.
A light-skinned man with tattoos and a knit cap looking at the camera.

Learn About

Safer-Use Options

*We are grateful to Interact for Health for their crucial support in funding the launch of Caracole’s harm reduction vending machine.

Call (513) 399-6969 to speak to a Harm Reduction Services Coordinator.

Meet our team

Harm Reduction Services

Kelsey Rider
Kelsey Rider
Harm Reduction Services Coordinator
Rachel Lamb
Rachel Lamb
Harm Reduction Services Coordinator
Taylor Selman
Taylor Selman
Harm Reduction Services Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

What is harm reduction?

Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.

Can I exchange syringes at Caracole?

Caracole is one of several syringe service locations run by Hamilton County Public Health in the region. We host their exchange every Thursday evening from 4:00–8:00 PM at our Northside office.

What kind of services can I get during exchange?

Hamilton County Public Health provides free access to sterile syringes and safe disposal of used syringes during the exchange.

Caracole’s FREE services include:

  • Vending machine registration
  • Help with PrEP (a medication that prevents HIV infection) access
  • Naloxone and fentanyl test strips
  • Safer use equipment, including cookers, sterile water and bleach
  • Overdose prevention education and safer sex materials
  • Tests for HIV and hepatitis C
  • Referrals to social services and treatment, if desired
  • Brown bag lunches (when available) from our partners at Our Daily
Where can I get naloxone?

Life-saving naloxone, also known as Narcan, is available free from Caracole’s harm reduction team. Free naloxone—both spray and intramuscular—is also available 24/7/365 from our harm reduction vending machine located outside the rear entrance at:
4138 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45223

For more information on how to access our vending machine supplies, see  the “Machine Access” section at

You can also visit for more locations/ways to get free naloxone.

What if I can’t get to your exchange site?

That’s okay. Hamilton County Public Health hosts several other sites throughout the week. For up-to-date information on exchange dates, times, and locations, text “Locations” to 22999 to be signed up for automatic text messages from Hamilton County Public Health every day there is an exchange. Message will include syringe exchange location and time details, as well as cancellation notifications. You can also check out their Facebook page.

In the meantime, Caracole’s harm reduction team can provide HIV and Hepatitis C testing and education, as well as provide naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and other safer drug use supplies for FREE through our harm reduction vending machine. Give us a call or text (513) 399-6969 to learn more.

Is there a safer way to use drugs?

Yes, there are many things that we can do to take care of ourselves and reduce the risks associated with using drugs. To learn more, check out our Safer Use Tips article.

What if I don’t want to use drugs anymore?

We can help. Our harm reduction team works alongside people to identify their goals and come up with a strategy to meet your needs.

Caracole wants to make sure that you and your friends and family are treated with respect. If we have not lived up to this promise, we need you to let us know. Please download and follow our guide to report a concern.

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